After two months of making us think that he was on the verge of crawling, Caleb finally has broken through and started crawling. Although his crawling is definitely not a thing of grace and beauty, it usually gets him where he needs (or thinks he needs) to go. It definitely has placed us in a new level of awareness about childproofing the house and not keeping him away from stairs, but it has also made our lives a little more fun as well. We actually don't know how long he will be just crawling because he has started pulling himself up on things (and people) and he really enjoys standing up. Also, if I didn't want to jinx us, I could tell you that he has done a much better job of sleeping through the night and getting regular naps recently. So hypothetically, if I was going to say something like that, I would say how proud I would be of our son. However, rest assured - I've learned my lesson and I would never talk about these seemingly positive steps - so maybe this hypothetical baby will keep it up :)
On the home search, we definitely have had a big shift in focus recently concerning where we are looking. Some of you already know what the plan is, but I think we wanted to wait to share where we're looking to move until it is a done deal. All that to say, we are really excited about some of the ministry possibilities in the area where we are looking to move now and we'll soon have more to say about that. Until then, enjoy the pics and videos of Caleb...
Two short clips of Caleb crawling

Caleb and his stylish soccer outfit...

although he seems to gravitate more towards the goalie position
Yay for Caleb- I bet he's got great upper body strength now. I think we put out my old GCC laptop for Ella to "play" with so she'd be distracted from the real thing. She really destroyed it so it was worth it!
woot woot! I know that we will have similar clips of Norah... you should see the action we get w/ her army crawling to the computer. Good video... thanks for sharing. Praying for your moving situation!
Loved the video clips. Also love the soccer outfit. He is ready to go, all he needs is some team mates! Where are those cousins? Caleb is porbably sleeping better because of all the energy he is using crawling around. Thanks for the great update. Love, Mom
Ok, I'm dying to know what you guys are up to and where you are looking to move! Such a tease! :)
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